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Showing posts with the label BLOGGING???


BLOGGING???? Do you guys want to know what blog is about then you came on write place here I will try to make you understand everything about blog and blogging. In old times people used to wright diaries but know people used to wright about their interest,knowledge,or about any interesting thing to share with another people around the world then it refers as blog. Blog is short form of weblog. their are many type of blogging site present in today scenario like blogger , word press , tumbler.  The person or a group who writes blog is known as blogger and this process of writing blog is known as blogging . ADVANTAGES OF BLOGGING:- THROUGH BLOG WE CAN SHARE OUR OPINION ABOUT ANY TOPICS WITH THE WORLD. WE CAN ALSO INSTRUCT OTHERS ABUT SOME FACTS OR TECHNIQUES  . IT IS ALSO USED TO INCREASE OUR KNOWLEDGE . IT ALSO GIVE  FINANCIAL SUPPORTS BY GIVING MINIMAL AMOUNT OF MONEY (ONLY IF AD IS SHOWN ON YOUR BLOG). HOW CAN WE EARN MONEY THR